WhatsApp is the instant messaging application par excellence with the highest number of users. It is very difficult to compete with WhatsApp and that there are still several functions and features that it lacks. For example, can be used through our computer, something that if allow us other chat applications. Below we explain how to install WhatsApp for Windows XP.
For now, there is no official program that offers this option so we have to rely on emulators for Android. The process you have to follow with one of these programs. It's the BlueStacks, but there are also others such as house or YouWave.
How to install WhatsApp with BlueStacks
The process is really simple and it takes approximately 15 minutes. The first thing we need is the Android BlueStacks emulator. This program will make us to the home screen and an Android smartphone at our computer programs. Therefore, will also be Google Play, from where to download WhatsApp.
Note: I'd like to clarify two things that personally I think quite useful. To activate WhatsApp on our computer is deactivated the account that we have on the smartphone, since that only supports one account per device.
Note 2: The BlueStacks program is in English, and therefore, the keyboard also. I think that it should be noted in the event that your Google password have any special characters, because they may be in another key.
Download BlueStacks. We follow the installation steps we outlined.
2 Open the program we will see a search icon at the top left. Through it we seek to WhatsApp.
3. To proceed with the search for the application it is necessary to make two configuration steps. For this reason, a window us called One Time Setup. Follow the instructions until the message You are all done!.
4 Completed this process will open Google Play. We now only have to insert the data from our account.
5. Inside of Google Play Act on a regular basis: we seek WhatsApp and download it.
6. Lastly, you only have to configure our account in the application indicating our phone number and country. We will receive a 6-digit verification code on our phone, which we will introduce in the check box.
7. You are done!
Negative points
For me the main problem is that WhatsApp cannot be used on two devices at the same time. So I find only use this method if we have two accounts of WhatsApp, i.e. via two telephone numbers.
If we don't have our contacts synchronized with Google, they will not appear us. Only when they write us a message. You can also add contacts from the WhatsApp application on our computer.
Finally, sounds cannot be sent and I had problems sending images (although in theory it should work). On the other hand, if we can receive both images and sounds.